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Smelling Salts

Smelling Salts

Regular price $20.00 USD
Regular price $30.00 USD Sale price $20.00 USD
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If you've heard of smelling salts before - buckle up princess, you're in for a wakeup call.

Smelling salts have been used for centuries to bring back wounded warriors and revive men on the battle field.

Current day - they can help wake you the hell up, light your brain on fire and prep you to rock some of the best PRs you've had in your entire life.

Why Smelling Salts

Smelling Salts are a popular workout stimulant designed to amplify alertness and revive consciousness after fainting.

It's popular with a wide variety of athletes across an array of sports.

Why Choose Turk™ Smelling Salts

Not only are our smelling salts clear and transparent. They'll also knock you on your ass - or better said - wake you the hell up.

Pre-order our smelling salts

You can pre-order our smelling salts today and be first in line to get our top-graded smelling salts. The best on the market. One sniff and you'll wake the hell up.

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Directions & Warnings

Ammonia in general is toxic in large concentrations or for long
periods of exposures so be careful to not inhale them too closely.

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The History of Smelling Salts

Smelling salts were used since Roman times to help increase alertness and revive consciousness.

They have been used extensively by the Red Cross throughout various wars in history to help revive injured soldiers in combat.

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Smelling Salts Are Used By

Smelling salts are most commonly used in the following manners:

  • Bodybuilder athletes and lifters trying to max out their next lift
  • Ice Hockey players
  • Athletes/Boxers that have been knocked unconscious.

It's also used commonly in professional football leagues.

Put simply, if you're looking to light your nervous system on fire - smelling salts are calling your name.

Smelling Salts - Chemical Breakdown

The primary ingredients in smelling salts are typically ammonium carbonate (scientific nomenclature ((NH4)2CO3)).


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Smelling Salts from Turk™

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Smelling Salts?

Smelling salts are typically ammonia salts used to trigger an automatic breathing response which creates a short-term flight or fight response where you're hyper alert and can feel hyper energized. They were originally used with concussion and fainting victims so they can almost "bring you back from the dead."

What does Ammonia Smell Like?

Oh man - this is a tough one. Let's just say - you'll know when you smell it. And, it will wake you the hell up.

Are Smelling Salts Bad for You?

Smelling salts usually induce a temporary automatic inhale response. They have no long-term effects, but you do need to be careful to not ingest any of the actual salts.

When's the Best Time To use Smelling Salts?

The best time to use smelling salts is right before a big lift or when you need to wake the hell up.